

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wow!  Been almost 2 years since I posted to my blog.  It was a crazy weekend.  Got yelled at by a co-worker on Friday because I told her she wasn't nice. And got yelled at by my twin brother who can't commit to coming to my parent's 50th anniversary party, but wants to buy the "mini" wedding cake when we are expecting 200-300 people.  HUH?  Spent most of Saturday sending emails to my Linked In contacts and Sunday Littlebit had a friend over.  It was fun to catch up with her mom who takes excellent pictures.  I'm stressed out, but sooner or later this too shall end.  I will find a new position somewhere they respect my opinion and want me to be successful.  I'm thinking about going back to Tectura.  Excellent benes, but I can't travel so I would have to be very clear about that.   Well - off to bed.  See you in less than 2 years, I'm sure.