

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Playdates are fun for Mommy

Hey, I need to do more of this play date stuff. I never realized how I have no time to myself when I have only one child. LB (Little Bit) demands so much of my attention, which I gladly give. But having a friend over for a couple hours accomplishes many things: 1) Forces us to clean up the hovel we live in most of the time 2) Gives Sarah some play time 3) Gives Mommy some playtime.

Even if I host, I still get to do whatever I want. Even better if I drop off LB at her little friend's house. But then I am forced to go do something. Sometimes, I just want to stay at home. I'm a homebody I guess.

We did go to the local baseball team game. I guess if I drank more I would enjoy it. It was HOT. There was a nice breeze if you went up to the concesssions area. But we had seats in the sun and we just walked around trying out other shadier spots. They have a KidsZone where there are bouncy castles and a playground and, of all things, a lego play area. Seriously? Legos in the 90 degree sun? No thanks. LB doesn't play legos at home, but if she can sit in the hot sun at a baseball game, wild horses can't drag her away.

I've been adding more metaphors and mixing them up in my language at home and at work. Hope it makes me more humorous. Life is too short to worry about all the other seriousness.

The bosses haven't bought us anymore pop or refilled the candy jars lately. I had to stop someone from eating the year old jolly ranchers in the candy jar yesterday. I'm all for saving money, but we almost always eat lunch in and I like a diet coke with my lunch, ok. And we don't have vending machines or a shop nearby to walk to to buy a dang coke. Is it to much to ask to have that as a perk? We had it for 4 years then the fish started drinking copious amounts. Right about 10 a.m. he starts his trips to the kitchen. Tales one outside for his refreshing siesta in his car that he drives over to the public swimming pool next door. Another one as he's walking out the door. He's the one that drinks 4-5 diet cokes a day. Everyone knows it and never (I've never seen him) puts them in the frig to get cold. I bought him lunch his first week at Subway and he's never (ever) offered to pay me back. Not sure if that was his "welcome to Crestwood" lunch. If it was, so there.

Anywho, not wanting to rant about work here.

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