

Monday, March 17, 2014

Frustration at Work

Why is it my bosses (twiddle dee and dum) insist on reprimanding, correcting, managing via email? You can't get any good things from a nasty email. Direct quote: "I will run this meeting and ask each of you to speak coherently about these ridiculous circumstances. Thank you.".

This pales in comparison to the email two weeks ago that accused us of not being productive. I'll tell you what: I'll be a lot more productive when I get a raise and my promised bonus. No raise last year and no raise this year. No word on what is going on and why these are not possible. Yet, they can both take 3 vacations a year. I know times are tough, but at some point, you need to take care of the people that you hired or fire them. I volunteer to be laid off, I can go on unemployment and find a job where people respect me (at least).

Reviews would be nice so you know what you are doing right and what they expect you to do.

St. Patrick's Day

Ok so another couple years have gone by.  My how time flies when you go a lot of stuff other than blog.  We celebrated St. Patrick's Day be wearing the O'inkpixi green tshirts and eating the buffet at Rosati's.  We lowered the average age by about 30 years.  I told the Senator that we would be coming in here when Sarah was in college and sitting at the bar drinking pink squirrels and Guinness.  He informed me he loved Guinness.  Yeah right.  I've seen him drink two Guinness my whole 17 years with him.  One in Dublin at the Guinness factory and one on St. Patrick's day in some bar.

Work is stinky.  I have to do my boss' work and get no credit for it and have to do sales and all the other stuff like training new people.  I am ready to do something new.  What?  I don't know.  I'm good at training and recruiting.  I like meeting new people.  I like hanging with people I used to know.  I like old people and young people (old more than young).

Well LB is in the bath and I need to help her wash her long hair.  She doesn't really scrub the scalp much.  You know how little kid's heads smell?  Not babies.  They smell wonderful.  Just little kids with oily hair.  Anyway, time to remedy that.

Erin go Bragh!