

Monday, March 17, 2014

Frustration at Work

Why is it my bosses (twiddle dee and dum) insist on reprimanding, correcting, managing via email? You can't get any good things from a nasty email. Direct quote: "I will run this meeting and ask each of you to speak coherently about these ridiculous circumstances. Thank you.".

This pales in comparison to the email two weeks ago that accused us of not being productive. I'll tell you what: I'll be a lot more productive when I get a raise and my promised bonus. No raise last year and no raise this year. No word on what is going on and why these are not possible. Yet, they can both take 3 vacations a year. I know times are tough, but at some point, you need to take care of the people that you hired or fire them. I volunteer to be laid off, I can go on unemployment and find a job where people respect me (at least).

Reviews would be nice so you know what you are doing right and what they expect you to do.

St. Patrick's Day

Ok so another couple years have gone by.  My how time flies when you go a lot of stuff other than blog.  We celebrated St. Patrick's Day be wearing the O'inkpixi green tshirts and eating the buffet at Rosati's.  We lowered the average age by about 30 years.  I told the Senator that we would be coming in here when Sarah was in college and sitting at the bar drinking pink squirrels and Guinness.  He informed me he loved Guinness.  Yeah right.  I've seen him drink two Guinness my whole 17 years with him.  One in Dublin at the Guinness factory and one on St. Patrick's day in some bar.

Work is stinky.  I have to do my boss' work and get no credit for it and have to do sales and all the other stuff like training new people.  I am ready to do something new.  What?  I don't know.  I'm good at training and recruiting.  I like meeting new people.  I like hanging with people I used to know.  I like old people and young people (old more than young).

Well LB is in the bath and I need to help her wash her long hair.  She doesn't really scrub the scalp much.  You know how little kid's heads smell?  Not babies.  They smell wonderful.  Just little kids with oily hair.  Anyway, time to remedy that.

Erin go Bragh!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wow!  Been almost 2 years since I posted to my blog.  It was a crazy weekend.  Got yelled at by a co-worker on Friday because I told her she wasn't nice. And got yelled at by my twin brother who can't commit to coming to my parent's 50th anniversary party, but wants to buy the "mini" wedding cake when we are expecting 200-300 people.  HUH?  Spent most of Saturday sending emails to my Linked In contacts and Sunday Littlebit had a friend over.  It was fun to catch up with her mom who takes excellent pictures.  I'm stressed out, but sooner or later this too shall end.  I will find a new position somewhere they respect my opinion and want me to be successful.  I'm thinking about going back to Tectura.  Excellent benes, but I can't travel so I would have to be very clear about that.   Well - off to bed.  See you in less than 2 years, I'm sure.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Playdates are fun for Mommy

Hey, I need to do more of this play date stuff. I never realized how I have no time to myself when I have only one child. LB (Little Bit) demands so much of my attention, which I gladly give. But having a friend over for a couple hours accomplishes many things: 1) Forces us to clean up the hovel we live in most of the time 2) Gives Sarah some play time 3) Gives Mommy some playtime.

Even if I host, I still get to do whatever I want. Even better if I drop off LB at her little friend's house. But then I am forced to go do something. Sometimes, I just want to stay at home. I'm a homebody I guess.

We did go to the local baseball team game. I guess if I drank more I would enjoy it. It was HOT. There was a nice breeze if you went up to the concesssions area. But we had seats in the sun and we just walked around trying out other shadier spots. They have a KidsZone where there are bouncy castles and a playground and, of all things, a lego play area. Seriously? Legos in the 90 degree sun? No thanks. LB doesn't play legos at home, but if she can sit in the hot sun at a baseball game, wild horses can't drag her away.

I've been adding more metaphors and mixing them up in my language at home and at work. Hope it makes me more humorous. Life is too short to worry about all the other seriousness.

The bosses haven't bought us anymore pop or refilled the candy jars lately. I had to stop someone from eating the year old jolly ranchers in the candy jar yesterday. I'm all for saving money, but we almost always eat lunch in and I like a diet coke with my lunch, ok. And we don't have vending machines or a shop nearby to walk to to buy a dang coke. Is it to much to ask to have that as a perk? We had it for 4 years then the fish started drinking copious amounts. Right about 10 a.m. he starts his trips to the kitchen. Tales one outside for his refreshing siesta in his car that he drives over to the public swimming pool next door. Another one as he's walking out the door. He's the one that drinks 4-5 diet cokes a day. Everyone knows it and never (I've never seen him) puts them in the frig to get cold. I bought him lunch his first week at Subway and he's never (ever) offered to pay me back. Not sure if that was his "welcome to Crestwood" lunch. If it was, so there.

Anywho, not wanting to rant about work here.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Senator and Little Bit back from Florida

Man, I just lost everything I just typed. The Senator and Little Bit got home from FL after many miles of stand-by travel. Little Bit knocked two more states off her list and had an adventure. They had fun at a beach resort with the Senator's sister and niece. Little Bit loves the sand and the pool. I feel a little left out, but glad I didn't go. We were supposed to go to the Flyers game tonight, but I was too tired. Felt very tired last night too, but thought it was due to the cranberry hard lemonade (delicious by the way). Nothing hard tonight.

Took my wedding rings in to get estimate on fixing. They resized and soldered two years ago and it broke. They tried to tell me it was "wear and tear" and the sales guy thought my platinum set was "gold". Not a lot of confidence going on there.

Erin (the lab) is recovering from her surgery to repair her groin growth. She seems to be ok. Went for a walk this morning.

Trying to get LB to the tub.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Taking a test tomorrow

I have decided to be a leader in the company and take a test for GP Financials tomorrow. I am prepared, so I better pass. Don't want to retake it. Did training all day and it was exhausting. Not sure how school teachers do it. Well, they don't have to TALK from 8:30 - 4:30 for one.

Little Bit is learning to read. She's sounding out words and it's going well. Very fun and exciting. I'm so proud of her. She's very busy with her soccer, swim class and gymnastics (otherwise known as stretching and somersaults). Oh well, as long as she's having fun.

I watched a great movie this week - Avatar. Didn't seem like my type of movie, but now I wish I would have seen it in in the movie theater. 46" HDTV not too bad though. I shared parts of it with Sarah and she liked the blue people.

Watched a not so great movie this week too - Julie and Julia. Very self-indulgent and not really that funny. I found Meryl Strepp (who is a great actress) very annoying. I know she was trying to sound like Julia Child, but it was grating. And I loved Julia Child (darn if I didn't cut the dickens out of my finger).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New laptop

I got a laptop computer today - and it's Pink! Little Bit thought it was hers. But then everything else that is pink in the house is. She told me she wants a pink ipod for birthday. Oh and an American doll named Julie and some other stupid toy made of tin foil that she saw on tv. We had a parent teacher conference today with Little Bit's teacher - Miss Bonnie. Am I supposed to call her that too? Or Bonnie? Don't know her last name. She was very prepared and said that Little Bit was a very compassionate child and a joy to be around. And that was all due to the way we raised her. Made me tear up a bit. Little Bit had gymnastics tonight too. Good day over all. I even was nice and let Mike take off to the library while I stood up watching Little Bit do 20 minutes of stretching for 30 minutes of somersaults. And watch the 16 year old girls yell at the little kids. Not cool. That's all for now.